March 20, 2007

Up the hillside.

Ah, city life. My house is about 15 minutes from downtown Portland on the edge of a town called Milwaukie. I picked up a local newspaper this morning while I was waiting for my bus, and, to my delight, I discovered the Police Logs. Among tales of tagging and petty theft, I found the following bit of neighborhood drama:
March 1, 4:25 p.m.—A caller reported two goats in the median at Highway 224 and McLoughlin in Milwaukie. They were not a hazard.

Really, goats?! I took note because that intersection is the edge of my commute. I’ll have to keep an eye out. Good thing I know that they are not a hazard to my driving.

A little further down:
March 4, 2:20 p.m.—A caller at SE Hanna Harvester and Main in Milwaukie reported two goats up against the guard rail.

Goats backed into a corner: maybe not a hazard, but certainly on the defense. Then finally:

March 6, 5:43 p.m.—A caller at SE 17th Avenue and Highway 224 reported that a pair of goats with horns were trying to cross the expressway.

Apparently the goat epidemic is in full swing here in my corner of Portland. I don’t know where the pair came from, but the reports remind me of a certain story from childhood. And now I’m fighting the urge to look for trolls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an odd place we live in. I almost hit a deer 2 weeks ago on my way to work. It was chewing on the bottom of a palm tree in the Red Robin parking lot then decided to sprint across the road through the intersection. Good thing for it's sake it was 4am.

Let me know if you want company troll hunting!

March 20, 2007 9:57 PM  

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