August 07, 2006

Fill the jars with water.

The weekend is over, and I was actually in town and feeling well for maybe the first time this summer! A large batch of my extended family from my dad’s side was here for a visit, so I spent some quality time with them on Friday and Saturday. We passed around pictures from the early 1970’s, talked about family heritage, and ate at least once every three hours.

Today Dan and I went on a hike up Larch Mountain with some of his JBU friends who were visiting from Colorado. It is an easy hike up an old volcano with a stunning view of five mountains from the top. I would have pictures to post, but my camera was out of batteries.


Good news for my friends in northern Uganda. The LRA is talking, and there is a ceasefire in place. Joseph Kony’s violence has been called the most neglected human crisis in the world. There has been more attention brought to it lately with the Invisible Children movement, but the West is slow to recognize the trouble outside our high gates.


Lebanon, land under fire. Israel, land deep in fear.

Some think that Qana, the city that had so many civilians die in bombings last week, is the Biblical town of Cana in Galilee. That would make it the site of Jesus’ first miracle—turning water into wine as recorded in John 2. It was a place of celebration and the dawn of the Messiah’s ministry. It was part of his neighborhood, and his friends lived there.

Thirty-five percent of Qana’s population is Christian. The American Christian church is probably the most vocal support of Israel’s military offence. John 17- Jesus prays for all who will be his followers. “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them.” I pray with my Lebanese brothers and sisters, may peace come quickly to the land where Jesus walked.


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