January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

When Dot and I were out tonight, she asked me to look back on the year and name my top five moments of 2005. The memories that I settled on are not really specific moments contained within one day; they are more like significant processes that took place entirely within the last year.

It was hard to rank them since each event is so different from the others, so consider it a flexible list.

5. Starting this blog. I could have never anticipated that writing a blog would affect my life so much. I am finally motivated to write more than poetry! I've met some amazing people, and I have fleshed out quite a few of the ideas that have been floating around in my head.

4. The decision to go to law school. The last two years have been an interesting process of getting to know myself. Working at a nonprofit and being away from university allowed me to refine my goals and clarify my vision for the future. I am so excited for the upcoming change.

3. Finding Vibrant, my church. I visited Vibrant for the first time last January, and it has been an immensely important part of my life ever since. Although it is a small congregation, I have gained a deep and genuine community.

2. Buying my house. I would have never expected to become a homeowner last year, but things just fell into place. I still find myself wondering how it all happened. I have a great roommate, space that feels like home, and a lot more junk mail. Crazy.

1. Visiting East Africa. There are some events that become touchstones for every life experience that follows. I know that the trip I took in November will be that type of memory. The people I met, the experiences I had, and the things I saw have shaped the way that I know my world.

So there you have it. What are some of your top moments or events from 2005? I'd love to know.


Blogger APN said...

Top 5 Moments of 2005, in no order (inspired by Rob Gordon):

1) My 26th birthday: It had been years since I had collected my friends around me to celebrate my birthday. It just had never happened. I think that what sets my 26th apart is that it was diametrically & completely different than the depressed NOTHING that was my 25th birthday celebration.

2) The ever-developing cohesion of my small group: This is simple. My best friends collecting themselves once a week since June to talk about God, Jesus, faith, our struggles, our lack of faith, and growing so much as people, friends, and followers of Christ. Beautiful....

3) My current job: After 15 months of struggling to make things work at the bookstore and after leaving post at the private church-school, coming upon and securing my job as a teacher at a Waldorf school has been such a blessed event. It has been years since I have felt more loved, appreciated, encouraged and wanted in a work environment.

4) My level of involvement at my spiritual community: Getting involved with the missional community that is Ecclesia has been such an infusion of lifeblood into my spirit and my faith. Not only do I get to receive so much from the people leading the community, but I am blessed to be able to be involved, give, and serve.

5) It's good to have options: I have lots of possibilities and potential in front of me, such that I haven't had since entering college back in 1997. Much like Erin choosing to enter law school, I am weighing the benefits & drawbacks to either graduate school (MA/PhD in Political Science/History) or seminary (Regent in Vancouver, BC or Biblical in Philly, PA). It is good, though rather intimidating at times, to have options....

January 04, 2006 1:44 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Thanks for your 2005 reflections! Sometimes I forget how many good things fill my life until I really take time to look back.

Yeah school! Go man, you're only young once. Your brain is just begging to be fed all that good academia.

There is one law program that offers a combination M.Div and J.D. I am so tempted- except it takes five years to complete instead of three. But wow, I'd love to go to seminary.

January 05, 2006 8:57 PM  
Blogger APN said...

As would I.... I acutally just sent in some basic information to Biblical concerning application availability and possibility. I have friends who are current students and alumni of Regent. Definite options....

January 06, 2006 1:06 PM  

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