August 16, 2005

A light in the window.

We are taking a new path that also has no small number of risks, but which also contains a ray of hope for us all. - Ariel Sharon in his speech to Israel.

I am waiting with an edge of optimism to see how the Gaza pull-out will affect the stability of Israel and the surrounding Middle East.

As much as I agree with the withdrawal, it is hard to see the faces of the settlers who are being forced to leave their homes. It's not the first time that residents of Gaza have been forced out (think original Palestinian residents); it is just the first time that media has given it significant attention.


Blogger Anonymous Me said...

If you haven't seen this blog, have a look at it. The writer is a Palestinian journalist living in Gaza writing about her daily experiences. I'm all for the withdrawal, but yeah, people are suffering from that, too.

August 17, 2005 6:03 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Very interesting link, Nancy. Talk about relevant perspective... Thanks for sharing it.

DB- I was getting some fake posts. Thankfully I can delete them, but I do resent that they waste my time.

August 17, 2005 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I don't really know enough about the situation over there to offer an informed or intelligent opinion on the matter. I do however know something about the blog-spammers.

The spamming leeches just sit around clicking "Next Blog" and leaving random snippets from recent news articles along with a link to their spam-blog. I got two of them on my blog yesterday. I wish there was a way to choose not to ever be a "Next Blog." As far as I know I have not once received a long-time reader that way.

August 17, 2005 10:13 AM  
Blogger Kent said...

Originally, I was really angry about the Gaza withdrawal. I don't believe that the Palestinians have any right to even one parcel of land in Israel, based on many factors, some complex, some simple.

Sharon's rationale for leaving Gaza was financial. The costs of security for 21 settlements was out of control. I happen to believe the cost of leaving Gaza might be much, much, higher.

I also wonder when will it ever be enough? What will the world ask Israel to do next in order to achieve peace? The Saudi's just yesterday promised 'peace' if the Jews would leave Jerusalem.


The fact is that enough will never be enough when it comes to the Jews. The world won't be satisfied until the Jews are 'driven into the sea,' as Arafat was fond of saying.

It seems to me that the Palestinians should be the ones leaving Israel. They could go anywhere, pick any random Arab nation. Syria, Jordan, Egypt.

And then I woke up this morning with a different thought based upon what Sharon said on Monday. Maybe the withdrawal is a good thing. 'The world is now watching.'

Let's see if the Palestinians can be peaceful now. Let's see what they do with the land. Let's see if Gaza becomes a haven, a training camp for Hamas and other terrorist groups. Let's see if the Palestinians can exist peacefully with their Jewish neighbors.

If they can't, Sharon promised a swift and brutal response from Israel, a force more powerful than anything ever seen before. I wonder if he means that Israel will 'drive (the Palestinians) into the sea'?

August 17, 2005 11:54 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Me said...

"They could go anywhere, pick any random Arab nation." -- Hmmm? Paletinians have dispersed to many Arab and non-Arab countries. Where they live as foreigners.

August 17, 2005 12:45 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Kent- I've certainly heard that side before. But you seem to overlook that the Israelis currently have the upper hand in this land struggle. They are not about to be driven into the sea. They have the world's only superpower on their side. I don't see Israel as a sole victim here even considering their struggle against terrorism.

I don't hold Palestinians faultless, but they are currently the occupied people group. They are simply insisting on freedom of self-governance. If I'm not mistaken, that's a good, old'fashioned, 'merican value.

August 17, 2005 11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a happy day Erin!!

August 18, 2005 9:03 AM  

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