June 04, 2007


Five days to go.

Everyone is asking me, “How are you doing?” “Are you completely stressed out?” Thankfully, I can actually say that I’m not. I’m feeling great, and things seem to be under control. Credit that to the incredible family and friends who have taken on so much for Dan and me.

I do feel a little nervous. It’s not about being with Dan. That’s the easy part. Of course I want to be with him for the rest of my life, and I feel like we are well prepared. It’s just that big word “marriage,” you know? I have the same butterflies in my stomach that I felt when I started college or my first job. It’s wonderful and a privilege; it’s just, well, an enormous change in my life. That’s all.

And then there’s that whole thing about everyone I know coming into town on the same day. That’s big too.


Oh, and happy two year blogsiversary to me!