October 01, 2005

The countdown is on.

I had dinner last night with some of the friends that I will be traveling with in Africa. Karin was kind enough to host us and make some pretty fantastic vegetarian burritos. I cannot believe that we leave so soon; it is just over a month until departure. The details are slowly cementing it as a reality in my mind.

Here's a picture I stole from Dan of the five of us based in Portland. There will be seven travelers in all:

Can't get enough of this Africa excitement? Want to know more? Check out the new Lahash blog.

In the meantime, I need to find a large yet carry-on-appropriate backpack for the trip. Any suggestions? I don't want to spend a lot of money, and I'm not sure where to start looking. My only criteria is that it is lightweight and sturdy.


It just started hailing outside. From the window I can see blue sky through the ice pellets. Strange world.


Blogger Jason + Tiff said...


I'm so excited for you guys!!
Do a favor for me and implant a little camera in your eye so I can see everything's that's happening in live-Erin-vision. It's a relatively easy procedure... just have Mike do it.

And yeah... the rain was great!! It's like the sky is tapping us on the shoulders and head saying... "Hey Erin and Tiff!":)

October 01, 2005 11:07 PM  

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